Please be respectful when contacting me. You are asking for an intimate service. To get the best of me, gentlemen’s manners are expected.
It can be difficult to answer calls, so text is usually best.
Please message with a greeting (Hi Jessie) your name, a little bit about yourself if you desire to share, the day and time you were wanting to book, and length of appointment preferred. I will reply as soon as possible.
I don’t answer private or blocked numbers.
I am available from a classy, upmarket apartment in Christchurch, 5 minutes from the city’s CBD.
I am generally around most Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, however I can do some evenings and weekends and am available on request with adequate notice given.

Request bookings
If you don’t see an available day that suits you, you are welcome to contact me and arrange an appointment outside of my usual work hours.
I love meeting new clientele and will do my absolute best to accomodate you.
These appointments must be made in advance so that I can make sure I am available.
I can’t wait to hear from you x